- Huaorani y petróleo. In Naufragos del mar verde. La resistencia de los Huaorani a una integración impuesta (ed.) G. Tassi, 125-179. Quito: Abya-Yala.
1993a. Confronting petroleum development in the Ecuadorian Amazon: the Huaorani, human rights and environmental protection. Anthropology in Action 16: 14-15.
1993b. The growth of family trees: Huaorani conceptualization of nature and society. Man 28(4): 635-652.
1994a. The Huaorani in the Ecuadorian Consciousness: otherness represented and signified. In Imagines y Imagineros. Representaciones de los Indígenas Ecuatorianos - Siglo XIX y XX (ed) B. Muratorio, 253-292. Quito: FLACSO.
1994b. Indigenous literacy and bilingual education in Ecuador. In Key issues in education development (eds) T. Allsop and C. Brock, 131-144. Oxford Studies in Comparative Education Series. Centre for Comparative Education, University of Oxford.
1996a. Formal schooling and the production of modern citizens in the Ecuadorian Amazon. In The Cultural Production of the Educated Person. Critical Ethnographies of Schooling and Local Practice (eds) B. Levinson, D. Foley and D. Holland, 153-167. New York: SUNY Press.
1996b. Blowpipes and spears: the social significance of Huaorani technological choices. In Nature and Society: Anthropological Perspectives (eds) P. Descola and G.Pálsson, 145-164. London: Routledge.
1996c. Hijos del sol, padres del jaguar. Los Huaorani hoy. Quito: Abya-Yala. (Children of the sun, fathers of the jaguar. The Huaorani today, book based on the translation of my doctoral dissertation, with a new introduction).
1997a. Modernity and the politics of identity in an Amazonian society. Bulletin of Latin American Research 16(2): 137-51. The French translation of this article appeared in Cahiers de L' Amérique Latine in 1998 and the Spanish translation in a special issue of Revista Andina edited by A. Guerrero in 1999.
1997b. The Huaorani and their trees: managing and imagining the Ecuadorian rainforest. In Nature is culture. Indigenous knowledge and socio-cultural aspects of trees and forests in non-European cultures (ed.) K. Seeland, 67-78. London: Intermediate Technology Publications.
1997c. Oil and sustainable development in the Latin American humid tropics. Anthropology Today 13(6): 1-3.
1998a. The social life of trees. Anthropological perspectives on tree symbolism (ed.) Laura Rival. Oxford: Berg.
1998b. Trees from symbols of life and regeneration to political artefacts. The social life of trees. Anthropological perspectives on tree symbolism (ed.) Laura Rival, 1-36. Oxford: Berg.
1998c. Domestication as a historical and symbolic process: wild gardens and cultivated forests in the Ecuadorian Amazon. In Principles of Historical Ecology (ed.) W. Balée, 232-50. New-York: Columbia University Press.
1998d. The right to life, or the right to a way of life? Resurgence 189 (July/August): 10-12.
1998e. Androgynous parents and guest children: the Huaorani couvade. Curl Essay Prize. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 5(4): 619-42.
1998f. Sex and sociality: comparative ethnographies of sexual objectification (co-authored with D. Miller and D. Slater) Theory, Culture and Society 15(3-4): 294-321. This special issue on love, eroticism and sexuality was subsequently published as an edited volume by Routledge.
1999a. Preys at the centre: resistance and marginality in Amazonia. In Lilies of the field: marginal people who live for the moment (eds) S. Day, E. Papataxiarchis and M. Stewart, 61-79. Boulder, Col: Westview Press.
1999b. Trees and the symbolism of life in indigenous cosmologies. In Cultural and Spiritual Values of Biodiversity (ed.) D. Posey, 358-363. Nairobi, Kenya: UNEP.
1999c. South American hunters-and-gatherers; an introduction. In The Cambridge encyclopedia of hunters and gatherers (eds) R. Lee and R. Daly, 77-85. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.
1999d. The Huaorani. In The Cambridge encyclopedia of hunters and gatherers (eds) R. Lee and R. Daly, 101-104. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.
1999e. Comment on Nurit Bird David’s “Animism” revisited: personhood, environment, and relational epistemology. Current Anthropology 40(s1): S67–S91.
2000a. Marginality with a difference: how the Huaorani remain autonomous, preserve their sharing relations and naturalize outside economic powers. In Hunters and gatherers in the modern world: conflict, resistance and self-determination (eds) P. Schweitzer, M. Biesele and R. K. Hitchcock, 244-260 New York: Berghahn Books.
2000b. Perception and management of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) diversity among Makushi Amerindians of Guyana (South America). Co-authored. The Journal of Ethnobiology 20(2): 239-265.
2000c. La escolarización formal y la producción de ciudadanos modernos en la Amazonía Ecuatoriana. In Etnicidades (ed.) A. Guerrero Barba, 315-336. Quito: FLACSO.
2001a. Beyond the visible and the material: the Amerindianization of society in the work of Peter Rivière. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Co-edited with Neil Whitehead.
2001b. Seed and clone. A preliminary note on manioc domestication, and its implication for symbolic and social analysis. In Beyond the visible and the material: the Amerindianization of society in the work of Peter Rivière (eds) L. Rival and N. Whitehead, 57-80. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2001c. Forty years of Amazonianist anthropology. The contribution of Peter Rivière. In Beyond the visible and the material: the Amerindianization of society in the work of Peter Rivière (eds) L. Rival and N. Whitehead, 57-80. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2001d. Society, culture and environmental adaptability in Central and South America. Reviews in Anthropology 30: 375-386.
2001e. De antropólogas e antropologías. Una conversación con Laura Rival. OIKOS, 140-150. Quito: FLACSO.
2001f. Gestions locales et dynamiques régionales de la diversité variétale du manioc en Amazonie. Genetic Selection and Evolution 33 (Suppl. 1): 465-490. [co-authored with D. McKey, L. Emperaire, M. Elias, F. Pinton, T. Robert and S. Demoulière].
2002a. Trekking through history. The Huaorani of Amazonian Ecuador. New York: Columbia University Press.
2002b. Formal schooling and the production of modern citizens in the Ecuadorian Amazon. In Schooling the symbolic animal. Social and cultural dimensions of education (ed.) B. Levinson, 108-122. Oxford: Rowman and Littlefield.
2002c. Editor of the special issue of JASO (Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford) ‘Mélanges for Peter Rivière,’ for which I wrote an introduction (The contribution of Peter Rivière to the field of Amazonian anthropology) and compiled an exhaustive bibliography of Rivière’s work.
2002d. Peter Rivière's contributions to Amazonianist and social anthropology. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford Vol. XXX: 3 (Michaelmas 1999): 213-218.
2002e. Peter Rivière: Complete Bibliography. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford Vol. XXX: 3 (Michaelmas 1999): 219-232.
2003a. Partnerships for sustainable forest management: lessons from Esmeraldas Province, Ecuador. Newsletter of the European Tropical Forest Research Network 39-40: 90-92.
2003b. The meanings of forest governance in Esmeraldas, Ecuador. Oxford Development Studies 31(4): 479-501.
2004a. Rivière, Peter. In Biographical dictionary of social and cultural anthropology (ed.) Vered Amit, 431-432. London: Routledge.
2004b. El crecimiento de las familias y de los arboles: la percepción del bosque de los Huaorani In Tierra adentro. Territorio Indígena y percepción del entorno (eds) A. Surralés and P. García Hierro, 97-120. Copenhagen: IWGIA (Document 39). The volume exists also in English.
2005a. From global forest governance to privatized social forestry: company-community partnerships in the Ecuadorian Chocó. In Privatizing development: transnational law, infrastructure and human rights (ed.) M. B. Likosky, 253-270. Brill Academic Publishing. [QEH Working Paper 117].
2005b. Huaorani, Religion and Nature. In Encyclopedia of religion and nature (ed.) B. Taylor. New York: Continuum International [see also website: www.religionandnature.com.
2005c. Soul, body and gender among the Huaorani of Amazonian Ecuador. Ethnos. 70(3): 285-310.
2006a. Amazonian historical ecologies. In Ethnobiology and the science of humankind. A retrospective and a prospective (ed.) Roy Ellen, 97-116. Special issue of JRAI # 1.
2006b. Partnerships for sustainable forest management: lessons from the Ecuadorian Chocó. In Partnerships in sustainable forest resource management: learning from Latin America (eds) M. Ros-Tonen, H. van den Hombergh and A. Zoomers, 37-62. Amsterdam: CEDLA. [QEH Working Paper 116]
2007a. Proies meurtrières et rameaux bourgeonnants. Masculinité et féminité en terre Huaorani (Amazonie équatorienne). In Une maison sans fille est une maison morte. La personne et le genre en sociétés matrilinéaires et/ou uxorilocales (ed.) C.N. Mathieu, 125-154. Paris: Ed. de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme.
2007b. The unappreciated ecology of landrace populations: conservation consequences of soil seed banks in cassava biological conservation. Biological Conservation 136(4): 541-551. [With Benoît Pujol, François Renoux, Marianne Elias, and Doyle Mckey]
2007c. What kind of sex makes people happy? In Questions of anthropology. Festschrift for Maurice Bloch (eds) R. Astuti , J. Parry, and C. Stafford, 167-196. Oxford: Berg.
2007d. Domesticating the landscape, producing crops, and reproducing society in Amazonia. In Convergence and emergence: towards a new holistic anthropology? (eds) D. Parkin and S. Ulijaszek, 72-90. Oxford: Berghahn Books.
2007e. Comment on C. Fausto’s Eating humans and animals in Amazonia. Current Anthropology 48(4): 497-530.
2008a. Guest Editor. Tipití 3(2)/2005. Special issue on the Amazonian body.
2008b. What constitutes a human body in native Amazonia? Introduction to the special issue of Tipití on the Amazonian body. L. Rival (ed.). Tipití 3(2)/2005. Pp.105-110.
2008c. Domestication and diversity in manioc (Manihot esculenta Crantz ssp. esculenta, Euphorbiaceae ). Current Anthropology 49(6): 1119-28.
2009a. Huaorani ways of naming trees. In The ethnobiology of mobility, displacement and migration in indigenous lowland South America (ed.) M. Alexiades, 47-68. Oxford: Berghahn Books.
2009b. Domestication of peach palm (Bactris Gasipaes Kunth): the roles of human mobility and migration (co-authored). In The ethnobiology of mobility, displacement and migration in indigenous lowland South America (ed.) M. Alexiades, 117-140. Oxford: Berghahn Books.
2009c. Comments on M. Strathern’s Oxford Amnesty Lecture ‘Land – tangible of intangible property? In Land rights. Oxford Amnesty Lectures 2005 (ed.) T. Chester, 39-46. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2009d. The resilience of indigenous intelligence. In The question of resilience. Social responses to climate change (ed.) K. Hastrup, 293-313. Copenhagen: The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters.
2009e. The Yasuní-ITT Initiative: oil development and alternative forms of wealth making in the Ecuadorian Amazon. [QEH Working Paper 180]
2010a. Old and new carbon values: oil development and alternative forms of wealth making in the Ecuadorian Amazon. In Making sense of the global: Anthropological perspectives on interconnections and processes (ed.) R. Acosta, 40-62. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
2010b. What sort of anthropologist was Paul Rivet? In 'Out of the Study, into the Field.' Ethnographic Theory and Practice in French Anthropology (eds) R. Parkin and A. de Sales, 164-204. Oxford: Berghahn Books.
2010c. Ecuador’s Yasuní-ITT Initiative: the old and new values of petroleum. Ecological Economics 70: 358-365.
2011a. Ecological threats and new promises of sustainability for the 21st century. Suomen Antropologi. Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society 36(2): 43-46.
2011b. Planning development futures in the Ecuadorian Amazon: the expanding oil frontier and the Yasuní-ITT Initiative. In Social conflict, Economic Development and Extractive Industry. Evidence from South America (ed.) A. Bebbington. Pp.155-173. New York: Routledge. The book was translated into Spanish and published by Abya Yala in 2013.
2012a. Biodiversity and Development. In The ASA Handbook of Social Anthropology (eds) R. Fardon and J. Gledhill. My chapter is in Part IV on Futures, ed. T. Marchand. Pp. 282-292. London: Sage.
2012b. Animism and the meaning of life: Towards an understanding of manioc domestication. In Animism in Rainforest and Tundra: Personhood, Animals, Plants and Things in Contemporary Amazonia and Siberia (eds) O. Ulturgasheva, M. Brightman and V. Grotti. Pp. 69-81. Oxford: Berghahn.
2012c. Sustainable Development through Policy Integration in Latin America: A Comparative Approach. Development 55(1): 63-70.
2012d. Sustainable Development through Policy Integration in Latin America: A Comparative Approach. UNRISD, Occasional Paper Seven, Social Dimensions of Green Economy and Sustainable Development. April 2012. ISBN 978-9-29-085087-8.
2012e. Between Markets and Hierarchies: The challenge of governing ecosystem services. Co-authored. Ecosystem Services 1(1): 93-100.
2012f. Governing the provision of ecosystem services. Co-Edited with R. Muradian. Dordrecht: Springer. Contains 23 Chapters and three sections (new modes of governance across multiple scales; managing the provision of ecosystem services: integrating different policy instruments; payments of environmental services as a governance tool).
2012g. Introduction: Governing the Provision of Ecosystem Services (co-authored). In Governing the provision of ecosystem services (eds) R. Muradian and L. Rival, 1-20. Dordrecht: Springer.
2012h. Ecosystem Services and Environmental Governance: Some Concluding Remarks (co-authored). In Governing the provision of ecosystem services (eds) R. Muradian and L. Rival, 465-472. Dordrecht: Springer.
2012i. The materiality of life. Revisiting the anthropology of nature in Amazonia. Indiana 29: 127-143.
2013a. Payments for ecosystem services and the fatal attraction of win-win solutions. Conservation Letters. Journal of the Society for Conservation Biology 6(4): 274-279. Lead author: R. Muradian.
2013b. The Materiality of Life: Revisiting the Anthropology of Nature in Amazonia. In The Handbook of Contemporary Animism (ed.) G. Harvey, 92-100. Durham: Acumen.
2013c. From Carbon Projects to Better Land-Use Planning: Three Latin American Initiatives. Ecology and Society 18 (3): 17. [online URL: http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol18/iss3/art17/]
2013d. The Aztec sacrificial complex. In Sacrifice in Modern Thought (Eds) J. Zachhuber and J. Meszaros, 163-179. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Encountering nature through fieldwork experiments: Indigenous knowledge, local creativity and modes of reasoning. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 20(2): 218-236.
2015a. Comment. (pp. 21-22). Trawick, Paul & Alf Hornborg. Revisiting the image of limited good. On sustainability, thermodynamics, and the illusion of creating wealth. Current Anthropology 56(1): 1-27.
2015b. Huaorani peace. Cultural continuity and negotiated alterity in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Common Knowledge 21(2): 270-304.
2015c. Transformaciones Huaoranis. Frontera, Cultura y Tensión. Quito: Abya Yala.
2015d. New trends confronting old structures or old threats frustrating new hopes? ECLAC’s compacts for equality. Co-authored with R. Muradian and C. Larrea. Development and Change. Forum issue 46(4): 961-978.
2015e. Quegoki Cönwi: Resiliencia huaorani resilience y el futuro de la biósfera Yasuní. In Gobernanza local, pueblos indígenas e industrias extractivas Transformaciones y continuidades en América Latina. Special issue (eds) D. Restrepo et al. Bulletin de la Société Suisse des Américanistes 76: 183-196.
2016a. Postface to special issue of the Journal Ethnobiology on botanical ontologies 36(1): 147-149.
2016b. Huaorani transformations in 21st century Ecuador. Treks into the future of time. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
2017a. GDAT debate 2016: ‘Attention to infrastructure offers a welcome reconfiguration of anthropological approaches to the political’ Critique of Anthropology 37: 1-50.
2017b. Traditional Waorani houses of the Ecuadorian Amazon (co-auhtored). Vernacular architectures (ed.) Sandra Piesik. London: Thames and Hudson Publishers.
2017c. Anthropology and the nature-society-development nexus (eds) M. Brightman and J. Lewis. The Anthropology of Sustainability: Beyond development and progress, 183-186. New York: Palgrave McMillan.
2017d. How do Amazonian forest societies transform? Response to Beckerman’s review of Huaorani Transformations. Hunter Gatherer Research 2(4): 473-481.
2018a. An anthropological lens on property and access: Gudeman’s dialectics of community and market. In The Commons, Plant Breeding and Agricultural Research: Challenges for Food Security and Agrobiodiversity (eds) F. Girard and C. Frison. 147-158. London: Routledge.
2018b. Environmental anthropology. In Companion to Environmental Studies (eds) N. Castree, M. Hulme and J. D. Proctor. London: Routledge. [Classical Approaches, 3.3].
2018c. Comment on Ludwig’s Revamping the metaphysics of ethnobiological classification. Current Anthropology 59(4): 428.
2018d. One of the contributors of the UNEP report Trade in Environmentally Sound Technologies: Implications for Developing Countries (lead author: Xiaolan Fu). Supported by the EC’s Global Public Goods and Challenges Programme. Available at <wedocs.unep.org>.
2018e. Couvade. In The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, (ed. in Chief). Hilary Callan. John Wiley and Sons https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118924396.wbiea1531.
2019a. How will temporary possessions make us happier? In Temporary Possessions. Theorizing the Contemporary (eds) R. Empson and L. Bonilla. Cultural Anthropology (https://culanth.org/fieldsights/ series/temporary-possession).
2019b. Interview with Sophie Chao available at https://www.morethanhumanworlds.com/mthm-archive.
- Arguing for system change in the Anthropocene. St Antony’s International Review 15(2): 109-119.
2021a. Claudia Andujar’s solidarity with the Yanomami people. The Lancet 398, July 31, 2021. Pp. 379-380.
2021b. Anthropocene and the dawn of a planetary civilization. Anthropology Today 37(6): 13-16.
2021c. Keeping life going: Plants and people today, yesterday, and tomorrow. Social Compass 68(4): 574-581.
2022a. Anthropology for the future of human behaviour research. Nature Human Behaviour. 6: 15-24.