Oxford Minds Panel Discussion - Space: How is society being geographically reconfigured?
In answer to this question, Laura prepared a presentation titled ‘Searching for Life in Space, Caring for Life on Earth.’ In her talk, she argued that the changing assemblages we have been calling globalisation are animated by powerful myth making. She then explained why the Amazon was a perfect laboratory to explore globalization’s changing assemblages and their appended spatio-temporal metaphors (Territory, Authority, Rights). Building on Saskia Sassen’s insights, in particular the vast asymmetries Sassen has uncovered in the making and remaking of centre-periphery relations, she then focused on the making of an assemblage, which is not often in the limelight, space research. Space Research, Laura argued, allows us to grasp particularly well Sassen’s profound insight regarding the new geographies of centrality and marginality that cut across old divides between poor versus rich countries.
Between the Ears
Released On: 16 Jun 2018
In the 1980s a young anthropologist entered the Amazon rainforest to try to find and live amongst a previously uncontacted tribe. Feared by neighbouring groups through stories of secretiveness and violence, they were mythologised as spirit people. Laura's only companion on her trip was her nine-year-old daughter Emilia. As Laura tells her story, an immersive binaural forest soundscape guides the way. Recorded in the Amazon by multi-award-winning sound designer Gareth Fry and mixed with Laura's taped forest recordings, we join her on a surprising journey deep under the forest canopy. 'Into the Forest' explores the enchantment, escape and magical danger of the forest in summer, with slow radio moments featuring the sounds of the forest, allowing time out from today's often frenetic world.
Flying Less Research - thinking ambitiously
In this episode, we consider the challenge of Flying Less research. Contributors: Dr. Christoph Küffer, Environmental Systems Science, ETH Zurich, and professor for urban ecology, University of Applied Sciences, Rapperswil (2m 08s) Professor Laura Rival, Anthropology of Development, University of Oxford (24m 02s) Dr. Matt Watson, Senior Lecturer in Human Geography, University of Sheffield (40m 48s). Producer/presenter: Dr. Noah Birksted-Breen, Researcher, University of Oxford Editor: Ryan Beckerleg, PhD student in the School of Physics and Astronomy based at Cardiff University's Brain Research Imaging Centre (CUBRIC). Cover art: Ada Jušić Music written and composed: Julian Bell. Commissioned by the School of Geography, University of
Oxford, in collaboration with University of Oxford's Environmental Sustainability Team. This podcast is funded by the Green Travel Fund. The Flying Less podcast is a project of the Oxford Flying Less Group, an informal association of staff and students at the University of Oxford, advocating for reducing our institution's dependence upon aviation. If you have been moved to take action by this podcast, why not: (i) share this podcast with colleagues, peers, heads of department and Vice-Chancellors at your own institution; (ii) start a Flying Less group at your own institution; (iii) check for updates and sign the petition at Flyingless.org; (iv) check for other resources including NoFlyClimateSci, Nearly Carbon Neutral Conferences and many more besides.